
Job Description

They can do construction work on buildings, bridges, and the construction of certain projects. Balanced with skills that can support the work, such as iron binding, formwork, welding / welding, excavator operators, dump truck drivers to manual labor according to the job required.

Salary NT$27,470.00 (not including overtime or bonus)

Construction Expert

Iron Tie
Iron Tie
Operator Excavator
Operator Excavator
Dump Truck Driver
Dump Truck Driver

CPMI Recruitment Procedure by P3MI

Prospective workers register with agencies and go through a selection process, including medical tests, skills assessments, and sometimes language tests if required by the destination country.

  • Once selected, prospective workers undergo training to prepare them with the skills and knowledge needed in their new workplace.
  • They must also prepare the necessary documents such as passports, work visas, and work permits in accordance with the regulations of the destination country and the employment agreement between Indonesia and the country.

Once the training is completed and the documents have been prepared, the channeling agent will take care of all the necessary administrative processes, including obtaining work visas and work permits at the embassy or consulate of the destination country.

  • Once all administrative requirements have been processed, the prospective worker is ready to leave for overseas.
  • They are usually dispatched in groups and accompanied by a representative of the channeling agent to ensure safety and a smooth departure process.
  • Upon arrival in the destination country, Indonesian workers will start work in accordance with the agreed contract.
  • They are expected to comply with local work regulations and perform their duties according to expected standards.

Registration Process for Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers (CPMI)

Visit our official office at Jl. Cengger Ayam Dalam 1 No. 106, Kel. Tulusrejo, Kec. Lowokwaru, Malang City, East Java or visit our official website at

- Male

- At least elementary school education or equivalent 

- 18-55 years old

- Physically and mentally healthy

- Medical fit result

- Have the intention and desire to work abroad

- Willing to work under contract for 3 years

- Willing to be placed in any project

- Have a strong physical condition

- Willing to comply with the rules of the employer (employer)

- Behave well while in the placement country environment


- Family Card (barcoded)

- Latest birth certificate (with barcode)

- Latest Diploma

- Marriage Book / Certificate of Divorce (for those who are already married)

- Family Permit Letter

1. Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates register by coming in person or registering through the website

2. General Requirements documents are verified by PT Indonesia Mapan Indonesia officers

3. Documents that do not meet the requirements are returned for completion

4. Documents that have met the requirements and are declared complete can be further processed to follow the Pre Medical Check Up

5. Pre Medical Check Up results will be released within 1 day after the examination. If declared healthy can follow the job training but if declared unhealthy will cancel the process.

6. Prospective Indonesian Migrant Workers will be trained for 10 days if they have previously been migrant workers, but if not, they will do 30 days of training.

7. After the training is completed Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates can study independently and complete the incomplete documents.

8. The process of selecting Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates is carried out by employers through partners in Taiwan.

9. If the Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates has been selected by the employer, it will be contacted by PT Indonesia Mapan Indonesia staff.

10. All general requirement documents are checked again and the Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates is asked to prepare a work-ready Account.

11. Documents that have met the requirements will later be used to issue identification.

12. For Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates who do not yet have a passport, after the ID is issued, they can make a passport.

13. After that, Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates submitted a work agreement for Indonesian Migrant Worker Providers with the Employer sent by the Partner in Taiwan.

14. The employment agreement document is received by the Taiwanese partner for approval by the Taiwanese government.

15. If the employment agreement has been successfully registered, the employment agreement will be sent to the Indonesian Migrant Worker Provider.

16. It will then be further processed to provide a job description.

17. For Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates who already have a job description can continue the full medial check-up process, psychological test and SKCK making.

18. After the results are out, Indonesian Migrant Worker Candidates will get Department of Labor Certification.

19. If the document is complete, it will be used to apply for a Teto Visa

20. After the visa is issued PT Indonesia Mapan Perkasa will conduct OPP scheduling and flight registration.

Consult Your Needs

Your satisfaction and comfort are our top priorities. We are also committed to providing fast, friendly and effective services. Contact us, for more consultation!